Illustrations of My Life in Christ – 6

My wife and I got married. I could tell you all the great things I’ve done. I could tell you all the victories I’ve rejoiced in. But I won’t. There is balance to every story. I struggled in college, but sure enjoyed being on stage. Got good grades in dramatic arts, not as good in speech. I graduated with a B.A. in Speech and Drama, after four years. The next two years I worked as a Pre-School Teacher’s Aide and worked in children’s ministry at the local church.

Soon, a seminary professor took me aside and convinced me I should go. Another four years for a three-year degree, and I graduated with a Master of Divinity. I did eventually preach, but first I got hunted down by a local citizen there in Sioux Falls, who had written two three-act plays: one about Mary and Martha and the other about Simon Peter. She wanted to know if I was John Tucker and if I graduated from the college with experience in dramatic arts. Yes! And Yes!

“Would you be willing to direct my plays if I got all the actors together and a stage, we could use to perform them on?”

My knees were shaking! My teeth were rattling! My soul was trembling! My brain was full of question marks! But I said, yes, and it happened! In two wonderful years, we put together a Drama Club, had tryouts, for two musicals, and tons of help to put the staging together, work on lines, do rehearsals, and advertise. If you’ve ever been afraid, that you can’t do something you’ve been trained for, you are lying to yourself, because you can!

I didn’t believe I would someday write a book. But I applied myself and did it, of course, with God’s hand on my shoulder!

There are still dreams I haven’t accomplished, but His hand has never left my shoulder! Is His hand on your shoulder, but you are afraid? Fear means you’re ready to do your dream! People are waiting on the sidelines ready to jump on the wagon of your dreams. They can’t until you believe you can!

To be continued…

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