Ten Things I Learned about Life before the Fall (Interview with Adam) -2

Reporter: “Tell us about your family life, please.”

Adam: “Being in God’s presence, knowing Him, working with Him, laughing with Him, rubbing shoulders with Him, appreciating His way with me, with Eve: these were divine moments I will never forget.”

Reporter: “Did you and Eve enjoy each other’s work together? Did you ever argue about things?”

Adam: “There were no arguments. We explored every inch of that place: Paradise! We examined the fruit and vegetables; tasted them, saved the seeds and separated them into different containers. We made paths through the Garden and talked with the Creator about the differences between human life and animal and plant life.”

Reporter: “How did you come up with names for all the animals?”

Adam: “Elohim ayyim, the Living God, provided my heart, brain, and mind, with everything I needed, for every occasion He knew I would encounter. So, naming the domestic and wild animals, the sea creatures, birds, and creepy, crawly things came naturally. Knowing their character and function ahead of time brought their specific names to the forefront of my thoughts and my tongue rattled them off.”

Reporter: “Is that what it means to be created in God’s image? You simply knew what each creature would be called and gave it that name?”

Adam: “Yes! That’s exactly it! God, and I, and Eve, lived together in harmony, knowing everything we needed to know for whatever God wanted to get done.”

To be continued…

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