Ten Things I Learned about Life before the Fall (An interview with Adam ben Elohim ayyim) – 3

Reporter: “Please give us an idea about how your wife, Eve, came to be.”

Adam: “Elohim ayyim, knew I should not be alone, without a helper, another one like me different from me.”

Reporter: “God sure knew what He was doing when He created women, didn’t He Adam?”

Adam: (smiling) “Yes. The Creator looked at me and knew I needed someone, another one like me, to be my wife. Knowing that God had an amazing plan in mind, He put me to sleep — a deep sleep — and grasped one of my ribs: oozing with blood and bone and life in it. He (One of Three) handed it to (Another of Three), while (One of Three) closed up the place where it had been taken from. They re-formed that rib into a likeness like me, yet different. Later, after I awoke from that deep sleep, they (God) brought the likeness of myself, yet not like me, to me. I declared, ‘You are woman because you were taken out of man!’ This is a solemn occasion, a sacred moment, and the foundation of every family under heaven. It’s why a man leaves his father and mother and cleaves to his wife. In marriage they become one in God’s covenant. When dedicated to one another, and to the triune God, that bond becomes special (sacred). I know this because God put it in my heart before I was created.

Reporter: (Nodding) “I’m sure it was a holy happening for you both. We’re thankful today, that both you and Eve are still living among us and willing to share like this.”

Adam: “Yes, we’re alive. It’s sad that we made the mistake of listening to that devil-inspired snake!”

Reporter: “I’m not a believer the way you are Adam, but I’m sure you regret what you and Eve did to disobey God.”

Adam: “Learning things the hard way usually makes them less likely to occur again. We’re still alive and still thank God for His mercy.

Reporter: “Looking back, remembering times before the Fall, what was God like, and how big was the Garden of Eden?”

Adam: “God initially created every living thing with great beauty and glory. God is light. His life permeates every cell in our bodies. We functioned independently of God, yet under His constant care.”

“He freely opened the opportunity for us to walk for miles, the length and width of the Garden. We explored the orchards and sampled most every tree’s fruit. We examined the vegetables and plants, the shrubs, and bushes, the palms and cacti — there was nothing untouchable, except one tree in the center of the Garden; and nothing off limits, except that one tree in the center of the Garden. Life and joy seemed to fill our days and nights in the Garden.”

To be continued…

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