Ten Things I Learned about Life before the Fall (An interview with Adam ben Elohim ayyim) – 4

Reporter: “In what ways did Eve add to your relationship? In what ways did she make things in the Garden different?”

Adam: “Eve is a beautiful creature, a helper probably a lot like your wife, if you’re married.”

Reporter: “Well, no, I’m not married. But I know other couples and the difference their wives have made in their relationships.”

Adam: “Eve made all the difference to our common bond in holy union. She cooked wonderful meals, and encouraged me to help decorate our home near the entrance of the Garden. She loved to make interesting meals from all the variety of fruits and vegetables we brought in from the fields and orchards. Even the huge palm leaves became parts of our home for window shades, and the doorways.”

Reporter: “Did God provide all your needs in the Garden before you were told to leave?”

Adam: “He is the owner of everything. Yes, He always took care of us in Paradise! He protected us, provided foods and beverages, and assured us daily, of His ongoing care. But He warned us of even getting close to the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. We knew it was off limits, yet we periodically looked at it and even walked a path nearby. Then, suddenly, we would run back to our home and shiver with fear. We’d never felt fear until we got close to that tree.”

Reporter: “Fear is an awful feeling! If you were trusting God for everything, why would you fear?”

Adam: “We weren’t sure where it came from. We just know it almost ‘touched’ us in some way.”

To be continued…

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